
Greetings! Welcome to Queen City Vignette.  We are Amber and Emma, perennially manic vintage-anything enthusiasts, and we are here to make your wedding, party, or photoshoot a more magical place.

Based in Cincinnati, Ohio, the Queen city. 

Sorry to shout at you. We are just so excited to be here.

This is Emma and her cat Frankie My Dear (whose name is a clever twist on an infamous Gone with the Wind line.)

Emma and Frankie My Dear

If you meet Emma, ask her if she has a good picture of her cats- but only if you've got an hour or so to spare. Besides Queen City Vignette, Emma works in a vintage store in Over the Rhine and teaches and DJs at swing dance events in the area. If she's dancing while you talk to her, don't worry, she's still listening- it's just an active, full body listen. She's addicted to Craigslist antiques (is there a support group of some kind?) and Instagram, where she manages three accounts: @queencityvignette, @mannequin_otr, and @anemmaanne. The latter account is her personal one and is only 30% pictures of cats.

Emma and Amber

This is Amber and her pup Greta (originally named after Garbo, but her personality more closely resembles Gerwig's).

Amber and Greta

Amber's outfits are always on point- as they should be, considering she's run an online vintage clothing store (Anatomy Vintage) for the past five years. She's a thrift store champion, with a belt black in deal finding and creepy dude avoiding. She was lucky enough to work as a production assistant and extra on The Blunderer recently, where she got to shake Eddie Marsan's hand a dozen times. Life goal? Check. Pictures of Amber are a lot like evidence of Bigfoot- blurry and kinda mystical. Ask her to make you a cocktail! It'll be delicious.

Thanks for visiting our little corner of the internet! We look forward to helping you make your wedding, party, or photo shoot as magical as possible. Want to just hang out? We're mildly amusing, love networking, and practically live in coffee shops. Get in touch with us at queencityvignette AT gmail.com, 513-813-VTG1, or through our Facebook page.

Amber Zaragoza1 Comment